How I Became A Life Coach
My Story

Meet the happiness freak
A leading edge human who is now an inspirer and life coach and psychologist. After serving as a professional psychologist since years, Arpita has launched a new way of combining up the techniques of Law of Atrractions and principles of psychology.
Born and raised in West Bengal, Hooghly, Arpita was a fun loving and extrovert teenage who always strived to find out a source of unconditional happiness. She strongly believed in some sort of magic since an early age. Unlike any random teenager, she was very clear about her passion and goals since her school days. Arpita realized that studying psychology was her true calling. Having a happy and secured childhood played its fair share to shape her happy and optimistic personality.
But nothing stays the same…
During the last few years the best life coach in kolkata had to deal with lots of ups and downs. Life came up with severe trauma and contrasts which set Arpita on the quest for eternal happiness. Despite dealing with her bouts of depression and even suicidal thoughts, the psychology student strived to come out of the dark phase. She tried every possible way of counseling, therapies and even medication but nothing really helped. Somewhere it hit her hard that depending on others for long-term bliss never helps. None is able to feed her with peace and harmony on a constant basis.
And that is when her great discovery happened!
That is when Arpita found out that none but she herself will be the one making way for her ecstasy. She discovered the teachings of Abraham channeled through world-famous Law of Attraction author Esther Hicks and her late husband Jerry Hicks. She tried other techniques of law of attraction teacher before but nothing worked like Abraham. This discovery really worked like the greatest boon of her life.
Within a short span of year Arpita was able to heal her mind, soul and body and finally she found the magical way of becoming unconditionally happy. She learnt to focus on true purpose of life. She learnt how to appreciate the good in life no matter how few are they. She learnt take responsibility of own emotions and actions.
Arpita helps other to follow her path….
Arpita now aims at helping people who are also trying of self-loathing, depression or trauma and other contrasts. She’s here to share her secret with you all. Her mission make you aware of own power. She believes in combining the law of attraction techniques and her knowledge of psychology. All her teachings and therapies, when applied thoroughly, at noticeable and significant shift in life even of first timer.